Decision handed down today by Syed Helmy J. Habeas corpus granted, RPK to be released forthwith. He is to be produced before the Shah Alam High Court by 4 pm today to allow the Court to direct the release.
Credit to the Judge, who was fair and judicious in his approach (he disagreed with our argument that section 8 is unconstitutional), the team of lawyers who put their heart and soul into the hearing and our opponents, Tuan Wahab and Tuan Dusuki, who were professional in their outlook and approach.
Well done Imtiaz, Art & the rest of the legal team !!!
CONGRATULATION Malik and your team.
We won "the war" but the fight to get the others remaining 65 ISA detainees out must still go on.
Candle Light Vigils are on going and the upcoming vigils are listed here.
Thank you MIS and the rest of the legal team.
Bravo. Let's put a pull stop to the abuse of power by umno government.
Malik and team:
Syabas! Thank you and God bless you all. We believe in the power of prayers.
Thank you to all of you who worked so hard to get him freed.
God Bless You!!
The sheer joy of a job well done is just immeasurable. A big thank you to the whole team for having the courage and conviction to pursue this case even though many people were disheartened after the first round of hearing.
God bless you richly, MIS and team for bringing hope to the hopeless and for daring to be different.
Dear Malik
We might have different opinion but nonetheless congratulation.
You guys deserve it.
It is extremely great that Raja Petra Kamaruddin is now a free man.
Now he has no excuse but to tell the whole truth in court regarding all his allegations and statutory declaration on the Mongolian murder.
Massive rumors started with his stories; he must make good of all his allegations.
I am sure he is an honest man as he always claimed to be; and not a Pariah like what Najib said.
He has a duty to stop Najib from becoming a Prime Minister, if indeed his wife and him are involved.
Or, are we going to witness another grand ‘it did not say that’, ‘no I’m not telling’ wayang in court.
Praise God. May God bless you.
Dear Imtiaz and team,
Congratulations indeed. Let this be the first step towards an impartial judiciary.
I like to address with respect to your whole Team as much you respected Tuan Wahab & Tuan Dusuki in your writing.
Tuan Malik Imtiaz, Tuan Azhar Azizan Harun (Art), Tuan Ashok Kandiah, and Tuan Neoh Hor Kee,
Well done and Thank you !
Well done!
It was pathbreaking!
My prayers are answered and you and your team have been the wonderful tools of the Divine. May you all grow from strength to strength. Amen
Good job to you and your team...
Do share with us more about the arguments the court accepted and were the basis for ordering the release of RPK..
It would be best if we could get that information from you directly..
Keep up the great work.
In solidarity,
Charles Hector
My intuition was right that the judge would set RPK free. That's cool!
Last but not least, thanks for all the hard work, you guys deserved the win! Cheers!
Keep the fight to abolish UMNO, ooops ISA.
well done Malik, I was at the court today, very proud of you and your team
Thank you MIS and the rest of legal team, and the Judge. I feel like seeing some light and hope leading the path of our country heading to...
Excellent news!!! Kudos to you and the rest of your team.
This Syed is better than botak Syed
Well done, Malek. You and your team (Art and the rest) did a superb job and we as a feedom loving people thank you all for this morale uplifting victory. ---Din Merican
Malik, I shook your hands thrice in court today to congratulate and thank you, and yet i feel i couldve done it more times. Trully amazing. Thank you once again, Sir.
Hi Malik,
Syabas to you and yr team! It wud be great if you also work ways to bring the rest in ISA out!
Looks like there is an impact after Obama being elected! Hope the sea of change will hit this nation as well!
Well done and God Bless!
semoga allah panjangkan umur and murahkan rezeki you mr.malik and god bless ur legal team members as well.i am in debt with you for this defining moment.it certainly lifted the spirits . please extend my gratitude to all of ur team members as well.thank you mr.malik imtiaz sarwar. YOU RULE!
you've never gone wrong in this. congratulations.
the world is watching every single bit of arguments you raised in court. it has given an 'invisible' slap across the face of syed hamid who was once a president of the sessions court. a given shame on him who doesnt even know how to interpret the law. he was simply formulating his own versions of the law which is wholly shambled, took matters into his own hands, held the pen between his fingers and signed the order papers for detention of our good friend RPK. and now, a report made via the newspapers stating his loathing suggestions of periled laws that is loathed by millions throughout the world, that shebang and shenanigans of the present government should go.
this is one step ahead towards freedom to media and expression and a pulsating move to make reforms to an institution once damaged by a dictator which took a hundred over years of legacy to build.
I could not believe the verdict when I came to know this afternoon.
It is a good start for RPK, and for all of us who wanted a change for better Malaysia.
With you and your team, we are little closer to the final chapter.
Thank you, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
This is not only for RPK, not only for those who are still behind the Kamunting wall, this is a call to wake all of us to march forward.
Let us get to work now to make our HOPE become reality, CHANGE, we can, and we are CHANGING!
thank you, thank you so much mr imtiaz and team.
malaysia shall be eternally grateful to you.
-shashi karu
Dear Malik. Syabas to your team. To know that Malaysia still have the group of lawyer like your team who are knowledgeable and fight for justice with full passion warm my heart. Salule to Justice Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad. We have another good judge there after Justice Hishamuddin.
What a day! Well done and keep it up.
CK Peng
you did a great job, malik
A close lawyer friend of mine who happens to be a good friend of yours has spoken very high of you and with the so much of your effort and contribution towards society, I honestly believe every word of my friend. SYABAS to you and your team for this gallantry effort.
Let's hope that he will not be redetained under fresh ISA order....
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! To you Imtiaz and all in your team!
At the same time, we must SALUTE the integrity and bravery of Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad J.!!!
His lordship's judgment and Pn Komathy's decision in DSAI's case really inspire hope for our future.
My prayers are with you, the valiant lawyers, the honourable judges, the gutsy bloggers and activists, that you may persevere in the long treacherous road ahead. God bless you all!
Dear MIS,
Thank you - like I said before, you are a true Atticus Finch!
Best regards,
Another uplifting moment. Well done to the bankable team of lawyers.
Well done, Imtiaz and team!I heard the news on the radio and couldn't believe my ears. When my friend who had access to the internet confirmed it in the evening, my first thought was "..there is still hope for decency in Malaysia"
Friday morning was the happiest morning for me in a very long time. I can honestly say that I havent been sleeping well since Pete was detained, we who were supposedly behind him all the way; but who were powerless to give him any relief to the suffering he and Marina were undergoing on behalf of us the rakyat. But you. You did something. You fought for Pete, and for us in the process. You're a hero Malik, and on behalf of all of us, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.Our beloved Pete is out. I dont care if he never writes another article. I want him to be safe and with Marina and daughters. And I'm so proud of what you and your colleagues were able to do. Please let us carry on to release the remaining detainees and abolish ISA once and for all.
Well done Malik Imtiaz!!
Kudos to the team, Malik. I salute your dedication and conviction
Now, what can we do to get the rest of the ISA folks out of Kamunting and into a courtroom?
We won, such a simple yet heart warming statement. A battle won for the people, fought with grace and dignity (and apparently reciprocated in kind by opposing counsel).
Thanks for fighting the battle somehow just doesn't seem to cut it... but thank you...
Thank you bro!
God bless you all!
Here is proof (video): Chief Police Officer lied. FRU charged during Negara Ku. Please tell the world
Due to illness, I could not be there for that historic decision though I had attended some of the earlier hearings in Jln Duta.
What the 'Team' and you achieved cannot be described in mere words. You have struck a resounding blow for FREEDOM and stuck another nail in the coffin of facism, dictatorship and thuggery!!
Well done. The PEOPLE approve and support you brilliant victory!!
Imtiaz, Art & the rest of the legal team, all the right thinking Rakyat were Rejoicing when RPK was released based on your Divine and Insightful Argument that pierced deep into the heart, mind and soul of the Righteous Judge ! I, on behalf of the legal fraternity are indeed very proud of you and i can see you are a shinning star that will bring HOPE to the oppressed ones !I will surely say "Hello !Imtiaz the Shinning Star" when I have chance to meet you at any Bar Council function.In fact, i saw you in Wisma MCA hall where the AGM-concerning VK Lingam video tape was held. My heaven height salutation to you and your team !
Thank you does not seem enough does it,for the brilliant work of the legal team.It feels as if you had just helped my own brother out of a horrendous situation.You will always carry with you the gratitude of peace-loving and fair minded Malaysians.God bless you all always.
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